Wednesday, June 21, 2006

She forgot to be good

Here I am writing about Abbey again. I just spent an hour scrubbing purple Sharpie marker off my new (and previously gorgeous) dining room table. And then explaining to Abbey that I truly love her more than the table. I reminded her that I have often told her that Sharpie markers are off-limits (and bleach, and nail-polish, and and and....) and that obeying her parents trains her to obey God, which is important when you are a grown-up. And then I read her shirt. The one we gave her for her birthday last year. The one that says "Oops... I forgot to be good".

Someday, I will learn....

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The engagement is off

My youngest daughter was engaged, until recently. Yes, Abbey, the six-year-old. She had announced the engagement after church a few months ago. She had her friends, and some of their parents, meeting with her in the Sunday School room, with each one informing the next that she wished to speak with them privately. She was explaining that she would be marrying Karel once she turned 18. She had asked Karel's father for his blessing (since she couldn't convince Karel to approach my husband), and he had given it with that one caveat.

But it appears that the engagement is off. Abbey has been disappointed lately in the lack of attention she's been getting from her fiance ("He ignores me.") And this morning I learned that Karel had told his mother that he didn't like her anymore because "she farted". Mom had tried to defend Abbey, ("well, you fart, too"), but he was inconvinced. ("That's different. I'm a boy".)

So, we'll see.

One week, two funerals

Walter and Gil couldn't have been more different, but their bios read pretty similarly. 84 years old, WWII vets, Orthodox christians, great-grandfathers. They've been friends for about nine years, and I've known them for about the last five. Gil's son-in-law has been writing about him for awhile now, you can read about him here.